HTML by the sea

Kent edition

Next freewrite

Folkestone, Lower Leas Coastal Park

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Folkestone lower leas coast park freewrite location

What is a HTML freewrite?

We will be writing vanilla HTML, CSS, and maybe a little JavaScript together. The idea is pretty loose and self-directed. Internet art and practical projects are both welcome. Come to the freewrite with an idea in mind or just write in the moment.

What should I bring?

We'll have picnic blankets and snacks available. You'll just need to bring a drink to keep you hydrated (it might be a hot day) and your own computer or HTML-writing device. Friends are welcome.

How much HTML should I know?

It’s really up to you. It’s completely okay to use the freewrite to learn HTML if you are just starting out. If you get stuck you can try to ask the other writers for help.


Either an online code editor like Glitch or a standalone one like VS Code or Sublime Text. If you'd like, the sites we create can be shared on an archival webring afterwards.